After your tooth is prepared and ready to be filled it is important to pick the right filling material. Your dentist would best advise you on this.
The first filling type of Amalgam, commonly referred to as, silver fillings. Amalgams are a mixture of metals, such as, mercury, silver, copper, and tin.
The second type is a composite filling which consists of plastic and glass particles and closely matches your tooth color.
There is no one right filling for everyone. In most cases, your best bet is to follow your dentist’s recommendation but in order to make an informed decision here is what you should know about each type of filling.
An Amalgam filling may have sensitivity to cold foods and drinks after placement for a few days or even longer, in addition, these silver fillings often discolor the tooth and surrounding gum. You should consult with your dentist before choosing Amalgam fillings.
Composite is the filling of choice when it comes to matching your tooth color. Composite filings consist of plastic and glass particles. They have become the most popular filling material because in addition to closely resembling your existing tooth color they also solidly bond or glue to the tooth. Also they don’t contain mercury or any other metal like silver fillings and there is less likelihood of sensitivity to cold food and drinks.
If you have any additional questions, please consult your dentist.